




one church, three expressions.






Sunday mornings are the hub of our community. It’s a great place to check us out, get to know people, and get plugged in.


10 am – Worship Service

A worship service for the whole family located in our Sanctuary. Congregational singing is led by our choir and a beautiful pipe organ, in addition to a contemporary band. We celebrate Communion weekly.

During the school year, children from 5-11 are invited to join Godly Play, our children’s Sunday school ministry, or remain in service with their family where they can make use of the toys, books and drawing materials set up just for them. A Family Room is also available at the back of the Sanctuary. Youth (4th-8th grade) gather in the Youth room during the service on 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays. A Nursery is available for children ages 4 and under. We join with our Lao congregation on the first Sunday of the month.

10 am – Lao Language Service

Southeast Asian ministries offers Christian worship, Bible Study, and other activities in the Lao language.  We come together to praise God and join in fellowship with our community. Two lay pastors shepherd the Lao Fellowship group that worships together Sunday mornings in the Lao Worship Room. We join with the Contemporary Service on the first Sunday of the month.


Have questions about  our services?



We recognize that COVID-19 continues to be a rapidly changing situation, and our leadership board will continue to evaluate regularly what precautions are needed as we seek to joyfully share God's boundless love in all that we do.

Per the recommendation of our Health and Safety Commission, we no longer REQUIRE masks, but will strongly RECOMMEND them during periods of High Community Transmission, per the CDC website. We ask that individuals continue to take whatever steps are necessary to keep themselves safe, including wearing a mask or staying home if needed. See below for our updated policy.

Updated Health and Safety Policy

HIGH CDC Community Transmission Level
- STRONGLY RECOMMEND masks and social distancing indoors
- Strongly recommend vaccinations & boosters
- Stay home if sick & test if symptomatic
- Practice good hand hygiene
- Increased ventilation
- Regular sanitation of surfaces
- No additional food service restrictions
- No additional children’s ministry restrictions

LOW and MEDIUM CDC Community Transmission Levels
- Masks and social distancing recommended for high risk and immune compromised
- Strongly recommend vaccinations & boosters
- Stay home if sick & test if symptomatic
- Practice good hand hygiene
- Increased ventilation and regular sanitation of surfaces


Policy effective as of March 13, 2022